Custom domain

How to set up a custom domain for your marketplace

Step 1: Verify domain certificate

To do this, you will need to add a CNAME record to your domain’s DNS records by follow the steps below. See your domain host’s documentation for more specific instructions.

Before you start, you need to receive your custom domain setup instructions. If you would like to set a custom domain, please send a request to Blocksquare.

  1. Go to your domain’s DNS records.

  2. Add a record to your DNS settings, and create/add a new DNS record with the settings you received.

  3. Save your record. CNAME record changes can take up to 72 hours to go into effect, but typically they happen much sooner.

Example configuration:

Record type


Host/From field

Time To Live (TTL)

3600 or default

Destination/Target field

Please note the above table is only an example of the information you will receive from Blocksquare to set up custom domain routing on your end.

The alphanumeric strings marked in red are merely an example and not actual values for yoou to use.

If you're not familiar with CNAME records, contact your domain host, who can help you. You can use the table you received from Blocksquare (see example above) when you call or email their support team.

With some domain hosting providers, you will only need to enter your unique string ID and subdomain as the Host/From field, while your main domain is automatically added by the domain host (e.g. GoDaddy).

Step 2: Route your subdomain to marketplace app

After step 1 is complete and your domain certificate is validated, you will be able to reroute your marketplace to work through your chosen aubdomain. To do this, you will need to add another CNAME record to your domain’s DNS using the configuration settings provided by Blocksquare.

Example configuration:

Record type


Host/From field

Time To Live (TTL)

3600 or default

Destination/Target field

The above table is only an example and you should set your Host/From field to the subdomain you chose when sending your request to Blocksquare.

The strings marked in green should match exactly the subdomain that Blocksquare has on record, as well as the subdomain from 'Step 1'.

Last updated